Here Was The Best-Selling Jewelry in April, According To The INSTORE Brain Squad

Rego Designs. We have carried the line for about 12 months and it is starting to move. Great customer service at Rego — Josh is the road warrior, and Tammy at the factory just helped me get a nice custom sale of rings and earrings. — Cliff Yankovich, Chimera Design, Lowell, MI

Gabriel & Co. (5), Hearts On Fire (5), Lafonn (5), Pandora (5), Rolex (5), Stuller (5), Allison-Kaufman (3), Frederic Duclos (3), Keith Jack (3), ArtCarved (2), Cargo Hold (2), Citizen (2), CrownRing (2), Doves By Doron Paloma (2), E.L. Designs (2), Forevermark (2), Frederic Sage (2), Kit Heath (2), Martin Flyer (2), Pure Grown Diamonds (2), Quality Gold (2), Sylvie Collection (2), Tacori (2), Wilkerson (2)

* Brands mentioned by at least two of 134 Brain Squad members when asked what they would be reordering in May.

If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. jewelry store, you’re invited to join the INSTORE Brain Squad. By taking one five-minute quiz a month, you can get a free t-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting the jewelry industry. Good deal, right? Sign up here.

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Craig Husar, president of Lyle Husar Designs of Milwaukee, WI, has tried to organize sales of his aging inventory before he let Wilkerson do one for him. “If it had been up to me, I probably would have used the same methods I’ve always used and I would have gotten the same results I’ve always been disappointed with,” he says. After Wilkerson, there’s no going back. “Everything Wilkerson brought to the table just elevated this event higher than anything I’ve ever experienced before.”

Wedding band season is upon us!! Benchmark is one of our main vendors, and I love telling people that they’re in Tuscaloosa, AL. Customers love hearing that their bands are made in the USA! — Mary Jo Chanski, Hannoush Jewelers, Rutland, VT

Hearts On Fire (5), Rolex (4), ELLE (3), Gabriel & Co. (3), Ippolita (3), Breitling (2), John Hardy (2), Kelly Waters (2), Noam Carver (2), Officina Bernardi (2), Pandora (2), Quality Gold (2), Rembrandt Charms (2)

* Brands mentioned by at least two of 134 Brain Squad members when asked what they would be reordering in April.

If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. jewelry store, you’re invited to join the INSTORE Brain Squad. By taking one five-minute quiz a month, you can get a free t-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting the jewelry industry. Good deal, right? Sign up here.

Lord Jewelry from Los Angeles was our best brand in February. The designs brought in a lot of people, and everyone was delighted by the talent, the whimsy and the color. Not to mention the sparkle. — Andrea Riso, Talisman Collection, El Dorado Hills, CA

Gabriel & Co. (7), Rolex (5), Lafonn (4), Allison-Kaufman (3), Citizen (3), Hearts On Fire (3), RDI Diamonds (3), Rembrandt Charms (3), Royal Chain (3), Cargo Hold (2), Carla Corp. (2), ELLE (2), Frederic Duclos (2), Gemsone (2), John Hardy (2), Kendra Scott (2), Ostbye (2), Stuller (2)

* Brands mentioned by at least two of 134 Brain Squad members when asked what they would be reordering in March.

If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. jewelry store, you’re invited to join the INSTORE Brain Squad. By taking one five-minute quiz a month, you can get a free t-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting the jewelry industry. Good deal, right? Sign up here.

Rolex (4), Gabriel & Co. (3), Lafonn (3), Artistry (2), ELLE (2), Gemsone (2), Hearts On Fire (2), Maple Leaf Diamonds (2), Michou (2), Officina Bernardi (2), Rembrandt Charms (2), Stuller (2), Vahan (2)

* Brands mentioned by at least two of 134 Brain Squad members when asked what they would be reordering in February.

The interest in lab-grown diamonds continues to grow among customers. We are surprised a bit as to their acceptance. — Alex Weil, Martin’s Jewelry, Torrance, CA

If you’re the owner or top manager of a U.S. jewelry store, you’re invited to join the INSTORE Brain Squad. By taking one five-minute quiz a month, you can get a free t-shirt, be featured prominently in this magazine, and make your voice heard on key issues affecting the jewelry industry. Good deal, right? Sign up here.

INSTORE helps you become a better jeweler with the biggest daily news headlines and useful tips. (Mailed 5x per week.)

Post time: May-23-2019