‘Library of Things’ showcased in Framingham – News – Belmont Citizen-Herald

cosmetic box

For about a year, the Framingham Public Library has been gathering unusual items – from a shredder to a tent to a ukulele – to create a “Library of Things” collection.

FRAMINGHAM – Want to give a ghost-finding kit a whirl? Need a telescope, dinosaur-shaped cookie cutters or a sewing machine short term? What about a briefcase to bring to a job interview?

For about a year, the library has been gathering unusual items – from a shredder to a tent to a ukulele – to create a “Library of Things” collection. The loan program allows library cardholders to try out items such as American Girl dolls, a pom-pom maker, kryptonite locks and Amazon Fire Stick for a two-week borrowing period.

Children, parents and other library goers were able to check out the items available at a showcase event Friday in the library’s Costin Room.

“It’s stuff that you do not need every day, but maybe you are having a birthday party or your kid wants to try guitar,” said Brigitte Griffin, a librarian at the Christa McAuliffe Branch Library.

Kara MacKeil-Pepin, a librarian who stepped in as manager of Things since last fall, said the collection is ever-growing, with the library fielding ideas with a suggestion box. Part of the appeal is that people can try out pricier items to see if they like them before they commit to the price tag, she said.

Take the wake-up-with-sunlight alarm clock for instance, which can go for anywhere from $50 to more than $100.

The most popular item is the Nintendo Switch Game System, a constantly sought-after item that is rarely available.

“It’s so hard to find, and no one ever has a new one,” said MacKeil-Pepin, on the videocassette recorder’s success. “Most people just want to watch one home video and then be done with it.”

People interested in donating to the Library of Things should ask about it at the front desk or the reference desk, she said.

Richard Cosma, of Framingham, browsed the items available to borrow from the showcase Friday, taking a look at some technological items. After he borrowed a Kill A Watt Meter usage monitor from the library, he learned to unplug his computer regularly and was able to reduce his monthly electricity bill by $20.

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Post time: Apr-14-2019